Monday, June 4, 2012

Donny Vs. Shirley Temple

There are many stories from the olden days of 3070, but there are still stories happening today.  One of the stories is about Donny. 
Donny is a dog and the very first dog to live in 3070 in many many years.  Donny is a gentle dog and he really just wants to chase tennis balls and dig holes for napping on hot summer days.  Donny would like to have no enemies at all. 
Unfortunately, he does have one enemy.  One horrible horrible enemy. 
Those squirrels have a Squirrel Highway and they sit up there and chatter at him all day long.
"Hey Tennis Ball Breath!"
"You sleep in a hole...ha ha!"
And they even call him mean names like "Mr. Pants."  Those squirrels are so stupid, he doesn't even have pants!
Every single day Donny has to go all over 3070 chasing those hateful squirrels.
"Get out of here you hateful squirrels!" he barks at them. 
One day, a squirrel who was sitting on a park bench started talking to Donny.
"Hey, what kind of an animal are you anyway?"
"Arrooooo!" said Donny, "What do you think?"
"I bet you don't even have a proper name," said the squirrel.  Squirrels are obsessed with proper names.  This squirrel's name was Shirley Temple and she was much meaner than she looked.
"I do so too have a proper name, it's Donny!"
"What a dumb name.  You are a big ugly dumb Donny."
"Oh shut up Shirley Temple,"  said Donny.  "Shows what you know.  My name is Donny and I'm a hound dog.  Arrooooo!"
Shirley Temple scampered up the tree and down the squirrel highway. 
The next day she came back.
"Hey you, you ain't nothin' but a hound dog!"
Donny glared at the squirrel.
"You ain't nothing but a hound dog, crying all the time!"
Donny said, "Arroooooo! I'm not crying all the time!"
"You ain't never caught a rabbit and you ain't no friend of mine!"
Donny wasn't sure why Shirley Temple would be his friend if he caught a rabbit but he was sneaking up on her as she stood at the base of a tree so he let her keep talking.
"I'm gonna change your name you old hillbilly hound dog!"
"Arrooooo!" said Donny running after her.  That's it, nobody is changing his name.
And do you know what that mean old Shirley Temple did?  She went and told all those other mean old squirrels her new nickname for Donny...Elvis. 

For some reason, it stuck.

1 comment:

  1. If Donny could, he would say,
    "Thank you...thank you very much"...just like Elvis!
